ACL knows how to handle every possible transport scenario for moving complex cargo.

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Shipping Freight

Shipping freight refers to the transportation of large quantities of goods or cargo by sea, air, or land. Freight can be shipped in various types of containers such as boxes, crates, barrels, or pallets. The transportation of goods by freight is typically arranged through a shipping company or freight forwarder, which handles the logistics of the shipment, including the booking of cargo space, transportation, customs clearance, and delivery

Sea freight involves the transportation of cargo by ships. This is the most commonly used mode of transportation for heavy and bulky goods, as it is cost-effective and can handle large volumes of cargo.

Our Areas of Responsibility

A quick and easy way to track every move your container shipment makes.

  • Provide company-wide visibility to capacity
  • Quality, Security, & Sustainability
  • Intercoastal Short Sea Service
  • Container Tracking
  • Inventory & Logistics Management

Our relentless drive is to deliver a world-class logistics service to all our customers worldwide; aided by our vision and mission, which has propelled us towards our expansion and the positive results that we have recorded since inception.

Frequently Asked Question

It depends on the port of arrival

Yes, we do


Yes we do